How do we store epoxy resin and other chemicals at home?
1. When storing the two-component polyurethane casting resin, we must pay particular attention to the isocyanate.
Isocyanate reacts with water upon contact. Since the free air also contains water in vapour, all synthetic resin manufacturers recommend or require storing materials in a closed, dry and nitrogen-rich environment.
Otherwise, we can easily say goodbye to the usability of our remaining material.
We show how the casting looks when the polyol absorbs water in contact with air.

The water reacts with the added isocyanate, producing CO2 (carbon dioxide), which foams the material.
But we also have to pay attention to the storage of isocyanate!
This component crystallises and hardens in contact with oxygen. To add to the problem, it is mostly thrown in the trash in an environmentally polluting way.
That is why we recommend our vacuuming system to all creative hobby model makers or model makers.
Feel free to use the following storage method. Although we cannot achieve nitrogen enrichment, we significantly increase the lifespan and quality of use of our materials by removing air to a large extent.
2. Epoxy resins are also prone to crystallisation.
The above can also be applied to epoxy, since storage under vacuum, in an almost airtight space, significantly increases the shelf life of the materials.
A larger household jar could be a good option if we want to store larger quantities for a long time.
3. Making the silicone mould is a creative and time-consuming activity
In particular, novice users make the mistake of not freeing the liquid silicone from air bubbles created during mixing, which can be seen on the cast models or mock-ups.
Unfortunately, the mould cannot be repaired afterwards. This is why our work is often wasted, and the material is wasted unnecessarily.
To avoid this, we recommend our vacuum pumps and jar valves, which can quickly eliminate the above error with a canning tube.
4. Storage of adhesives and other chemicals.
In general, those household chemicals which react with one of the components of the air should be stored in the manner described in point 1.
Oxygen or moisture sensitivity occurs in most cases. The following example is one of them.
The well-known F.BS silicone adhesive uses the moisture content of the air for bonding.
Because of this, the glue in the opened but unused tube quickly becomes unusable.
Another example is paints, primers, and gesso, dense materials that contain little moisture. If they lose even a little bit of that, they become useless.
Here is the solution for the adequate storage of kind materials!